Illuminations Februry 22, 2024

In this week’s Illuminations message I talk about how the chaos energy in the world right now is affecting so many empaths and lightworkers who are feeling somewhat defeated and discouraged. I have heard from many people who are wondering why they have been feeling a little low in recent weeks. I discuss how it is so important not to personalize these low feelings right now because in most cases this energy is not personal to you, it is energy that you are picking up on from the lower frequencies.

With the ongoing slaughter of people in the Middle East, there is massive loosh harvesting, and energy draining from the sadness and devastation. That is nothing new. War has existed on this planet since it began, and if you have been a student of mine for a while, you are already aware that the suffering on this earth is used as a form of emotional energy harvesting by the astral entities.

Jesus tells us that satan rules this earth, so it is no surprise to see continued emotional suffering.

It is very important that when you feel low, worried and stressed out, you look deeper into why. Can you identify specifically what is causing you to feel low? For many of you right now the answer is no, you can’t specifically pinpoint the “source” and that is because the source is not connected to you personally. However, regardless of WHERE the energy is coming from, it is important to know that whenever you are filled with fear, discouragement and sadness, you are much more vulnerable to energy hijacking and activation of old contracts that you may not even be aware of.

These contract are often contracts to live in the energy of defeat, poverty, illness, relationship trouble, stress and other negative states.

I find that most people are unaware that you have consented to these types of contracts in other lifetimes (and carry them each successive lifetime) or that you may have unconsciously agreed to contracts in this lifetime.

Further, most people are unaware that there are people put into your life by design (often family members) who are there to keep you adhering to those contracts. Here is one example: you consented to a contract lifetimes ago to remain in financial struggle. You grow up in a family that struggles financially and you adopt a poverty mindset and beliefs. You believe that being rich is bad and that you are a “better person” if you are not wealthy. This financial struggle keeps you in a constant state of worry throughout your lifetime, which is a low frequency state. As a result you are much more vulnerable to energy harvesting. Then after a lifetime of worry and struggle, you die and then you get thrown back into the wheel of reincarnation. You have no idea this is all happening because you were either programmed by religion to believe reincarnation is not real, or you got hoodwinked by the new age to believe you “had to” or “wanted to” return here to clear your karma.

So here you are for yet another lifetime of - you guessed it - financial struggle.

If you are never made aware that these types of contracts exist, you will never make the effort to REVOKE CONSENT. Imagine how many billions of people die with these contracts still intact because they believe a church-driven understanding of the Bible, rather than an educated understanding of the real Bible? Imagine how many billions of people believe they are going to be “saved” by a rescuer (father wound/belief in authoritarianism) when they die? Imagine how many billions of people believe they are “free” when they die, leaving them defenseless after death, easy targets for the dark “lords of karma?”

In this week’s message I guide you through a powerful REVOKING OF CONSENT TO CONTRACTS and a truly powerful energy clearing. I also offer tips and advice on keeping your energy high, as well as have an in depth discussion about the power of emotions. SUBSCRIBE HERE


Illuminations March 2, 2024


Illuminations Feb 14, 2024