Illuminations November 27, 2024: The Tides Are Shifting, Your Choice Point.

Aloha Everyone!

In this week’s Illuminations Live we open up with a powerful prayer of clearing for protection and guidance, a release of any cords of attachment or distortion programs in our energy field, and to be fully cleared of any dark energetic imprints.

I continue on with a discussion of the age of Aquarius that we have now entered. This period of time offers you so much opportunity to put your energy out into the world in an even bigger way. Ascension is ongoing, as we continue to get closer and closer to the true Jesus, and thereby, getting closer and closer to your true Divine blueprint. In this week’s powerful message, I remind you that you were created perfect, and for those of you in the Magnetic Money Manifesting Membership community, we completed a powerful retrieval journey for reclaiming your personal Book of Life and Destiny. Your original blueprint is literally how God created you. It's unchangeable. But, it can be hidden and it can be distorted. For most people, your original blueprint is very far removed from how you're actually living your life. And there's a lot of healing and a lot of clearing to do in order to free yourself from everything that gets in the way. But at the end of the day, you need nothing external because you were created perfect. And your blueprint is perfect and your energetic soul blueprint is so strong.

In this week’s Illuminations message I also cover in detail, the month of December as a “floating period.” December is a period where the tides are changing because we've already had the energetic grid upgrade when Donald Trump was elected. That was an incredibly significant moment in the timeline of all of humanity, which I think everybody feels that, whether they're spiritual or not. There continues to b e a massive clearing of energetic parasites. A number of very dark celebrities have left the country, and that's beautiful for America because the United States represents freedom energetically for the whole planet. In the annual forecast for 2024, I stated that the period of time leading up to the election was so important, and this election would be the most important of all time. And it was. And so many things have shifted already in what's taking place and what's going to take place in the 3D with structures, the pharmaceutical industry, the exposing of the Epstein list and the Diddy list and ending all of the woke policies and not allowing parents to sterilize their children anymore, convert their gender, just getting rid of those demonic programs, things that were the result of the Luciferian agenda, and so much of this is already happening. So, the tide has turned and the tides are changing because, like always, when there's a major shift, it's certain that some things will be immediate and you'll feel right away, but also because we're in a universe of quantum energy and quantum entanglement.

Karma and Consequences

In this week’s message, I also discuss the truth about “karma.” When you take a human with our lifetime and all the things we do and the people we connect with and our friends, and the conversations we have and the actions we take, the actions we don't take, the times we don't speak up or the times we don't take action, the times we see terrible things happen and we don't get involved, we don't want to get involved. It could be people, it could be friends, it could be about animals, it's anything. It's how we live our lives. And all of that is the cumulative effect for our personal karma, which just using karma is the easy word, it's just the consequences. Most people have negative connotation with the word consequences because of childhood, because of authoritarian and consequences always seem bad. I love consequences, so hopefully you will change your internal receiving of the word consequences because consequences are just energy being returned. So, if you're a good person doing good things and being in a high frequency, in a loving frequency, you get good things returned. It's literally that simple. And I love that because I have amazing consequences in my life and I'm sure all of you do too who are living that way. You look at your life and you're like: ‘This is a great, amazing life’.

Other topics included in this 3 hour forecast include:

  • Alchemizing energy for your own good

  • Taking Advantage of The Window’s of Opportunity

  • Taking Action on Your Dreams

  • Avoiding the Traps in the Matrix

  • Getting Your “Sea Legs” as we navigate this massive energetic transition

  • Choice Points: Where you will have the opportunity to choose between your “small self” and your true self.


Illuminations December 12, 2024: Walking Through The Door: Who Do You Choose To Be?


Illuminations November 9, 2024: Your Leadership Era, The Aquarian Age, Let Freedom Reign!