What is the Illuminations Forecast ?
Liana’s Illuminations Forecasts are profound messages of hope, love, guidance and energy readings several times each month. Liana is a true visionary who combines her spiritual gifts of clairvoyance, akashic record reading and energy work with her profound connection to the True Jesus (not the religion Jesus, and not the “new age “chirst consciousness” Jesus) and her unique gift to communicate with down to earth clear messages. The topics she covers regularly include spirituality, connecting with the TRUE Jesus, psychology, esoteric topics, self-healing, the soul path, abundance and manifesting, shamanic astrology, relationships, and hyperdimensional realities.
She also covers the most important current events as they relate to consciousness expansion and the process of awakening, in order to ascend from the Matrix. She also offers her guidance as a nutritionist and wellness expert offering tips to take care of your physical body, and other tools to help you thrive from week to week.
Liana has been delivering her Illuminations Messages to thousands of people in over 90 countries for the past decade. Her subscriber base continues to grow worldwide as people realize that her messages are a beacon of light in a very chaotic and seemingly unhinged world.
Since 2015 Liana has accurately guided her community through all of the traps and tricks of the matrix, she has prepared people for every “disaster” before it happened, and most importantly, she always provides PRACTICAL steps, strategies and guidance on how to stay healthy, safe and OUT OF FEAR. Always.
Her messages are inspiring, and she provides the truth on which issues are true conspiracies and which are fear-mongering theories. Her messages are high-frequency, and many of her subscribers describe them as a “lifeline” in this world.
There is truly NOTHING on earth currently that provides the profound insights, information, prayers, meditations, and energy clearings Liana offers her community with every message.
Liana is a Visionary and Spiritual Teacher, Author of the Weekly Illuminations Forecast, Artist, Medicine Woman, Self-Made Multi-Millionaire Business Coach, Nutritionist, Podcaster and Mother of Two, who has helped over 100,000 people in over 90 countries over the past 12 years online.
Liana is visionary and guide for those seeking a clear path out of the 3D matrix. Liana has been publishing the Illuminations Energy Forecast continuously since 2015 for subscribers around the globe. Liana also offers best-selling programs on Magnetic Money Manifesting, Life Path Manifesting, Healing Mother Wound, Healing Father Wound, Awakening Ancient Gifts, Light Body Activation and Healing From Narcissistic Relationships.
She is a pioneer in the field of Energetic Neuro-Clearing, offering programs that help you clear and re-pattern false and negative thinking patterns that block you from success in relationships, sports, finances and any other area of life. Click HERE for Liana’s Other Programs.
“It’s like getting the best combination of psychic reading, an astrological forecast, tips for better living, and a life coach all in one.”
“Liana’s Weekly Messages are like astrology on steroids! It’s uncanny week after week how she is able to so clearly see what is incoming. I love the head’s up and it has made Monday’s something to look forward to.”
“I love how you explain in detail the macro vision of all this!! really helps me step out of my day to day ego... those aspects are always needed to get out of ‘patterns’ thank you!!”

In her weekly forecast, Liana provides helpful, practical and useful messages of inspiration and motivation to help you approach each week in a POSITIVE AND POWERFUL way that works WITH the energy, rather than against it.
Liana's weekly messages empower you and show you how you can tap into your own powerful internal resources so that your life flows peacefully in sync with the energies of the earth and the planets.
Liana provides you with a weekly roadmap full of compassion, love and understanding. Receiving these weekly messages is like having a personal coach to advise you each week to make the most of the energies.
These weekly audio recordings offer you a voice you can count on for meaningful inspiration and motivation to truly embrace your best life, so you can work in flow with the Universe, rather than against it.
Rather than believe that you are powerless and at the whim of the movements of the planets, Liana shows you how to tap into your own powerful internal resources so that your life flows peacefully in sync with the energies of the earth and the planets.
You can listen to your weekly messages from the comfort of your home, your car, or anywhere you have access to a mobile device, tablet, desktop or laptop.
These weekly messages help you relax your mind and tap into your creative flow as you receive uplifting transmissions of light, love and support.
Stay out of fear, be empowered, and connect with a clear source of light to help you live your best life.
You will receive timely and relevant transmissions to help you make the best choices, as well as guidance for what is ahead in the next week, so that you know which days to get grounded, which days to launch new projects, which days to slow down, which days are full of support for growth, and which days are best to go within and not make things harder for yourself by doing things against the current flow of energy.
More Testimonials
“Thank you to Liana for the little “push” with the suggestion for self care in the form of a massage or something in this week’s Illuminations.”
“Great Illuminations this week. You offer so much in these messages. Definitely a lot of life changing information.”
“I’m chuckling listening to Liana’s Illuminations recording for this New Moon week! It couldn’t possibly be more spot on for me!! So much releasing and re-balancing happening in my life. So many blessings and messages come through these recordings that I feel as though the Universe is speaking directly into my heart! Each week I seem to fine tune my frequency and pick up more.”
“Liana I love illuminations!! I feel like it really helps me to stay in the flow with everything and continue to apply it everyday.”